Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kindness kills them every time

Well, I responded to all the emails I received with a light-hearted and humble attitude. Yup Yup, I know I do that angle shot way too much. Har har har...well, I think it works out well. The third email writer has been shooting emails back adn forth and just offered to meet with me with the possibility of training me as a second shooter and maybe eventually a primary shooter. Now I'm nervous.

Then I received an email from the woman I did five weddings for last year. She has requested my services on two weddings in the next three months. That's awesome. I wish I could quit my real job just so I could focus on this and make sure I'm leanring everything I need to do.

I still need how to figure out how to use my new camera and read the manual. I need to figure out how to send it in for a cleaning because it badly needs it. I want to make real business cards. I have a friend who is willing to help me make a new website and I've been putting it off because I want to think about it and make sure i get it right.


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