Monday, December 8, 2008

What I really want to say-A beginning in reality blogging

I started my first blog because I've always followed by myspace. And I just wanted to incorporate my efforts to include my learning experiences in taking photographs. I wanted a real glimpse into the struggles of trying to better myself in photography and share the things I've learned. However, I found that since I have had a few people who paid for photos, that I had to adopt good business practice of watching what I say. And it lost it's journal appeal to me. Especially since I put my full name in the website. So, I've started a new blog, no name blazed across the URL and hopefully I'll figure out how to make it private so people can't stumble across it.

One thing I've learned about myself is that I love the tilt in photos. I angle the camera when I photographs a single person, it feels the frame more and it adds interest. Looking at my photostream in flickr, now I wonder if I am caught in a rut. Especially since every photo angles the same way, from the top left to bottom right corner. I mean, it doesn't matter which way to angle it, but maybe I'm overdoing it. for thought.

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